Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pickles the Cat: Cashing It In

After a bit of a scare last week, I believe Pickles is cashing in her chips. Standing in line, chips in hand, resolute smile on her little kitty face, Pickles has decided to die.

Teary-eyed, I've decided to document the time remaining.
After all, this is turning out to be more than her decision to die, it's also about my decision to let her.

It wasn't until last night - after a few days of being on medication, did I finally "get it". It wasn't that I was getting worse at giving her the pills - she was getting better at not taking them.

It's not that she's being a petulant child spitting out the bad-tasting medicine. What she is doing is very deliberate. Using her tongue as a tool - a blockaid, she waits for me to assume my success, then gags it out. Clever kitty.

Then there's the not-eating thing. For the first few days, it was the medication. One of the first meds was known to suppress the appetite. But now - it's different. I realized this yesterday. Two days ago, I was cooking chicken breast for her, and delicious rice made with chicken stock (NOT water). Protein, protein, protein. I was like a mom cooking fresh chicken soup from the sick little one in bed.

I can't remember what I saw now. I could have sworn I saw her eating that morning. But now I think I'm wrong. I think she tried to eat it. I don't know, but when I took the bowl away later that day - she MAYBE took a nibble.

Yesterday I bought a medication dropper. I've been putting baby foodn the dropper, and feeding her that way. Nary a spoonful is really what she's ingesting. And she's pissed. She catches on, I have to give her that.
At first, it was easy getting her to eat. She wasn't happy, but rather than let the food dribble down her chest, she ate. Now, she doesn't care. Mouth closed, the food just dribbles down her white tufted chest. So what I'm probably doing, is getting just enough nutrients into her system to keep her hanging on.

Today is Thanksgiving. If it weren't, I'd be calling the vet to schedule an appointment. I'd be talking to him about putting her "to sleep". How horrible is that?